Anthony Teague

Director of Operations & Outreach

Phone: 305-348-4436


As the Director of Operations & Outreach, Anthony is pivotal in shaping the operation, staffing, and strategy of FIU’s Center for Community Impact & Public Purpose, or CCIPP. Leveraging his experience building and supporting programming, human capital, strategic partner engagement, and continuous improvement efforts in the non-profit and higher education spaces, Anthony has helped guide the CCIPP into a cross-institutionally focused hub for strategic university-community engagement and partnership stewardship. The CCIPP is also charged with leading FIU’s Carnegie Elective Classification processes, including all aspects of the planning, execution, and application submission process. The Center also leads various programmatic efforts, including Life Science South Florida, a coalition of academic institutions and industry partners working collaboratively to build academic and professional pipelines for Life Sciences students, faculty, and industries, and facilitating municipal relationships with strategic local partners and communities.